Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kashmir is a hindu state since time was invaded by muslim invaders  and occupied by them.hindu raja was king of kashmir till its merger with india in 1948 when he signed deed of where does any contradiction arise. Even if it was a muslim majority area in kashmir valley  it doesnot allow them any right to ask for freedom.they were never neglected and all these years proper election were held  for the state assembly and it is integrated with indian federation.but pakistan based terrorists and isi are trying to seccede kashmir from india.they want to break india into pieces as they want to avenge their seccession of bangladesh.also china is a partner in their is provoking them with all the arms supplies and nuclear is the duty of indian govt to declare emergency in kashmir,arrest all the secessionists,hurriyats and criminals,close the borders with pok and pak.handover the areas under “disturbed areas act” to army and allow normal life.there is no soft option.we have to remove a nail by a nail.we cannot get what our pm declares that talk will endure,but what would be agenda of that talk when they declare that they donot want to talk beyond their demand of azadi.let the govt forget about talk and enforce internal emergency in kashmir. What plebiscite these pakistanis  talk about?it is simply a talk of madness .when the state has conducted several elections from 1948 every five year to asssembly and parliament and they vote for their own govt ,why there is any contardiction and predicament.the people had accepted india as their home land except a few anti india and pakistan sponsored terrorists and isi agents.we have seen teh hospitality of kashmir people when we goes to that part of teh countryt and also the yatra to amarnath.but these people brainwashed by pakistani jehadi elements never understand that all is not well in pakistana dntheir deamnd for inclusion with pakistan is dangerous for them.india is one democratic country and it is working for the bettrment of teh people in kashmir.but the same forces who want to balkanize india sowed teh seeds of hatred in the minds of some youths and are being paid to throw stones to forces.they wat that theyw oud equal in targeting indian forces as the Palestine forces targeting Israel forces and it is called it is nothing but one dangerous game in which the poor and innocents are being grinded.we hope the sane voice of all party team would culminate a new era of happiness and intelligence among the residents of kashmir .if it would fail then it would be too traumatic for them and also the govt may not be able to salvage the situation and army may be handed over teh full control with emergency and blockades.
Kashmir is not negotiable with any one.It is not a disputed area.It is a conspiracy by Pakistani Army ISI to snatch it from India as  a revenge of the freedom to East pakistan aka Bangladesh.
But Pakistan is at the verge of Catastrophe.China is devouring is slowlu but gradually.Chinese language is made compulsury in many Pakistani states.The Balochistan movement is going strong.
US is waiting an opportune time to smash its nuclear plants and make it redundnat.So Pakistan is a dying state.
It can be saved onbly if it would relinquish its nefarious activities and double cross games.
Kashmir problme would be solved by the next govt at centre whoich would be of BJP with 2/3 majority and Narendra Modi would be our PM.

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