Monday, December 26, 2011

Muslims must abandon their attitude of Vote Banks

Muslims must come to mainstream from their self imposed exile. They must remove congress and all other parties who champion their causes only on speech but done nothing for muslims.They had made Muslims as sacrificial goat in last 64 years of partition. Still they uses them as vote banks but never cared to do anything for them. Duration of 74 years is not a joke or small time to achieve any goal if they would have initiated any fruitful action. They must be prepared to assimilate with Hindus who have accepted them as their brothers in development. No Muslims country had allowed so many facilities to Hindus in their country as a Hindu majority India has done so with the minority muslims.TV Films Theatre has maximum of Muslim faith actors and actresses. Our army is secular where Muslims and Christians get the same rank and file as of a Hindu. In administration they are in high pedestals. In education sectors they also created their name and fame by their highest quality. But still they think that they are minorities. If one thinks itself as negative they would remain negative. They need to get out of their shells and became partners in progress in India. Their motherland is India and they can’t go elsewhere and India also could not remain as a country without them. But they must have to abandon their negative attitude and relinquish vote bank mentality. They must come out of their self imposed exile and built a new India. If Muslims would think themselves as citizens of India they would progress and develop. They must have to remove their negative mentality and root out their low confidence. In many cases a few youths from Muslims clan get brainwashed by the propaganda by Pakistan ISI and Dawood to wage war on India and kill innocents but they should think that they are doing more harm to their clan and religion. They are doing harm to India who has given them all and everything. It is their foremost duty to come out of their cocoons and built a super power India. Many Muslims were presidents of India in past like F.A.Ahmed,Dr. APJ Abul Kalam as president of India. Many scientists are from Islam and many are in the fields of journalism. We are proud to have M.J.Akber as a great editor. We are having Dillipkumar and sharukhkhan, salman khan,waheeda rahman,meenakumari  as actresses,actors.India is a mixture of hindu islam tahzib and all should vow to remove communalism from their minds. If Muslims would abdicate their so-professed anti Hindu stand they would be great achievers. CONGRESS, NCP, RJD, SP, BSP, TMC, LJP have used them as toilet papers.
Time Never wait for any one and if Muslims would lose the time they would be loser.Hindus wait them to be reciprocal in their behaviour and they should abandon the aggressive attitude against hindus.India waits thei good gesture of  assimilations as Ganja Jamuni tahjib

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kashmir is a hindu state since time was invaded by muslim invaders  and occupied by them.hindu raja was king of kashmir till its merger with india in 1948 when he signed deed of where does any contradiction arise. Even if it was a muslim majority area in kashmir valley  it doesnot allow them any right to ask for freedom.they were never neglected and all these years proper election were held  for the state assembly and it is integrated with indian federation.but pakistan based terrorists and isi are trying to seccede kashmir from india.they want to break india into pieces as they want to avenge their seccession of bangladesh.also china is a partner in their is provoking them with all the arms supplies and nuclear is the duty of indian govt to declare emergency in kashmir,arrest all the secessionists,hurriyats and criminals,close the borders with pok and pak.handover the areas under “disturbed areas act” to army and allow normal life.there is no soft option.we have to remove a nail by a nail.we cannot get what our pm declares that talk will endure,but what would be agenda of that talk when they declare that they donot want to talk beyond their demand of azadi.let the govt forget about talk and enforce internal emergency in kashmir. What plebiscite these pakistanis  talk about?it is simply a talk of madness .when the state has conducted several elections from 1948 every five year to asssembly and parliament and they vote for their own govt ,why there is any contardiction and predicament.the people had accepted india as their home land except a few anti india and pakistan sponsored terrorists and isi agents.we have seen teh hospitality of kashmir people when we goes to that part of teh countryt and also the yatra to amarnath.but these people brainwashed by pakistani jehadi elements never understand that all is not well in pakistana dntheir deamnd for inclusion with pakistan is dangerous for them.india is one democratic country and it is working for the bettrment of teh people in kashmir.but the same forces who want to balkanize india sowed teh seeds of hatred in the minds of some youths and are being paid to throw stones to forces.they wat that theyw oud equal in targeting indian forces as the Palestine forces targeting Israel forces and it is called it is nothing but one dangerous game in which the poor and innocents are being grinded.we hope the sane voice of all party team would culminate a new era of happiness and intelligence among the residents of kashmir .if it would fail then it would be too traumatic for them and also the govt may not be able to salvage the situation and army may be handed over teh full control with emergency and blockades.
Kashmir is not negotiable with any one.It is not a disputed area.It is a conspiracy by Pakistani Army ISI to snatch it from India as  a revenge of the freedom to East pakistan aka Bangladesh.
But Pakistan is at the verge of Catastrophe.China is devouring is slowlu but gradually.Chinese language is made compulsury in many Pakistani states.The Balochistan movement is going strong.
US is waiting an opportune time to smash its nuclear plants and make it redundnat.So Pakistan is a dying state.
It can be saved onbly if it would relinquish its nefarious activities and double cross games.
Kashmir problme would be solved by the next govt at centre whoich would be of BJP with 2/3 majority and Narendra Modi would be our PM.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Anna Hazare ,tum age badho hum tumhare saath hein

Anna Hazare and Civil society has only one option left to fight it out in Public. The matter should be brought to streets and Public domain. It is only public whose support is necessary to pass the JLP bill.Congress,NCP,TMC.DMK UPA would not get going the bill as they fear that their corruption would be exposed. Anna should not wait for 15th August for fasting, but start nationwide agitation/movement all over the country by protest march by IAC and CS.We lost all hopes on this corrupt govt and our hope is only people.UPA govt has lost all public support but the constitutional propriety of 5 years term has kept it in office. But it has lost all public support and it must be ousted. Anna Hazare is the binding factor for anti corruption people, but he must be taking political supports from all opposition parties and non congress parties which would give them credence in passing their bill in LS.By such rhetoric in open they would not win the war on corruption. It is not a movement for them or their coterie but for all the people of India.They must be aware that congress would not allow them to get the JLP bill passed. They were victimized by the congress givt all along they started the movement by exposing of bhusans in fake CD,Anna in his home village ,and may more vendetta measures. Anna Hazare should not be a tool in the hands of people like Agnivesh, Medha Patkar,Mallika sarabhai  who are agents of congress in the CS.We urge Anna to keep distance from such characters who are agents of Congress and wants demoralize them and also frustrate their good intentions.

congress wud create riots to get votes in 2014

True to its habit, the Congress party will attempt some drastic actions to regain its lost credibility. It will unleash vendetta against opposition leaders and attempt to show that all those arraigned against the Congress are corrupt. It will create and exploit every opportunity to rake up non-issues to divert public attention. It may even resort to dividing the electorate on caste, communal or some other lines to minimize the electoral damage. This may actually backfire on the Congress party that traditionally has had a wide appeal across various caste and other groups. Yet, a desperate Congress party may make some cynical moves to get out of the corruption rut. Attempts to link activists like Anna Hazare with the RSS are a part of this cynical strategy.

divide & rule

“Hindus may have their systems and every community has it but the discrimination was started by BRITISHERS to divide Hindus as they see that without division they would not rule india.thats why they had made distinctions between shudras and baishyas.kshatirya and Brahmin are also made to toe the line. The whole system was changed by them to keep shudras in inhuman conditions. Before British came what is the condition of all these castes? Before moguls what is their conditions. There was no discriminations among hindus.every caste is identified by their jobs. But no untouchably or discrimination was before British came and implemented their colonial agenda. Now congress is practising same agenda of British taught to congress by them to divide Hindus by caste creed race and rule for ever

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

“SC should not work like a UPA agent. The denial of bail to culprits of 2g scam is utterly disgusting. The accused should have been allowed bail by SC as it is the highest court of India and our constitution enshrined every right to the accused in such economical cases. The denial of bail by SC opened up one Pandora ’s Box in which the CBI have to deal in the matter more conversantly. If they would be kept in jail as under trial what would happen? The crime is already done and the accused are in jail for grant of bail. But the question is that if the CBI would not find any full proof case against them and they would be released later can SC returns the agonies heaped on them by keeping them in jail for unlimited time as UT prisoner? The right of an ordinary Indian is infringed/breached upon. The case can go longer, CBI may delay filing of Charge sheet but the accused should not kept in jail. They must have the right to be free as per our constitution. The SC is last remedy for all such cases. The CJI should have intervened in the matter. Let us assume that the CBI cannot prove the case and may be inclined to make the accused as witness of crime, will the SC return their jail term. Lawyers of India cannot fathom being a silent spectator in such matters. The rudiment of law says that until one is proved guilty he is innocent. So the CJI should interfere in the matter and should not keep UT prisoners of such matters which have no bearings on unity and integrity of India and/ or of heinous crimes should be  allowed bails.SC may impose some restrictions on such cases but the accused need to be get his her rights.SC need to know that the investigating agencies are not impartial and judicious. They are working under a tyrannical govt which is behaving like an autocrat to punish anyone who is not bending to it or its orders. Also CBI has been used in many cases by the govt for its nefarious designs. In case of Mayavati and Mulayam singh yadav the CBI has not done justice. It is a tool in the hands of Govt to make them subservient for interests of govts by which they are being held as captive for support in LS.Now the role of SC is paramount of importance to security of India and justice of SC.If the SC would not interfere the whole edifice of democracy in India would crumble. The SC must have noticed that the accused are interested to file caveat in courts and also affidavits of more confidential reports of involvement of top channel of leaders of UP but are being suppressed by CBI.So it is the duty of the CBI not to get pressurized or the SC to intervene when it sees that the case is being diverted along vendetta line.UPA govt have destabilised all institutions of governance for its corruptions,misgovernance and vendetta.It is not a democracy any more as all the works of UPA govt shows bias in all matters.It is using many people and also taking revenge on many peoples.The SC should not have fallen prey to the machinations of this Govt.It is using CBI for cases against Narendra Modi,Hindus patriots,Sadhus and Sadhvis in Malegaon, Samjhuata blast cases as per directions of UPA Govt.SC should fix time for filing of Charge sheet or else release the culprit on bail.In Malegaon case many Hindus sadhus and Sadhvi are arrested but they are not getting bails till date as the CBI ATS failed to file CS or delaying it to keep them in jails.So is this a democratic country wherein if any govt go berserk can put any one in jail by trumped up charges and conspired constructed cases?We are highly expectant of justice by SC and can pray for true justice.”

lord krishna wud descend on earth to save dharma

Yada Yadah hi Dhramsya, Glanirbhavathi Bharatha, Abhyutthanam Adharmasya,Tadatmanam srijamyah Ahama 4.7 GITA

("Whenever there is decay, of righteousness O! Bharatha,And a rise of unrighteousness, then I manifest Myself!")

Praritranaya Sadhunam, Vinashaya Cha dushkritam,Dharamasansthapanarthaya,Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge." 4.8 (GITA)

("For the protection of the good, for the destruc­tion of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age.")

remove congress -save india-save hindus

People who lives in Ivory towers got blank in elections. If the money could buy votes all the corporate honchos may have been in LS.Why they go to RS by paying 30 to 40 crores to parties who gave them votes.People want action and if any party could not provide basic necessities to people they would withdraw their authority to them.If India would have been a autocratic form of Govt congress would not have been defeated so many times. Still it is in a fool’s paradise. The way it has behaved in the last 7 years and also now doing pretty little for poor but huge for riches Indira Gandhi’s 21 point programmes would be nothing.The Poor are not so poor now and also not so idiots as Congress thinks. If a Bihar and TN can do it all other states can also do it to remove Congress with a broom. Assam is nothing in comparison to all India phenomena which Congress are citing in each and every column.In Assam there is a vacuum in Opposition parties and the coalition between AGP and BJP was not done which made them redundant. But TN and Pondicherry shows the way.In Kerala the win by Congress is nothing spectacular as they are proud of.In WB the win is of TMC not of Congress. If it would have fought single handedly it would have been wiped out.It was a negative vote against CPM and left parties and any party which shows it self as a alternative get the mandate. But it is written all over India on walls that congress has lost the confidence of voters by its unethical and corrupt ways.It’s autocratic arrogant and over confident mindset would drown it.The way Sonia Gandhi playing with the sentiments of Voters of india she is bound to fail next.BJP is waiting for an opportune moment when it would strike back with full force on Congress and its policies of corruption,anti hindu,anti Indian pro-pakistani stands.